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Michael Burry's Scion Capital Boosts Stakes in & Alibaba As China Rebounds


Lauren Miller

May 16, 2024 - 03:19 am


Michael Burry's Firm Ramps Up Investments in and Alibaba Amidst Chinese Market Recovery

(Bloomberg) -- In a strategic financial maneuver, the esteemed investment entity Scion Asset Management, guided by the renowned investor Michael Burry, has reinforced its investment portfolio with amplified stakes in prominent Chinese companies Inc and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. As the equity market in China shows signs of revival, Scion Asset Management has seized the opportunity to enhance its positions during the initial quarter of the year.

Scion’s Top Holdings Demonstrate Confidence in Chinese Tech

The e-commerce giant now stands as Scion Asset Management’s premier investment, following an assertive 80% increase in ownership in the first quarter, as disclosed by the latest regulatory 13F filing with authorities. Meanwhile, Alibaba occupies the second tier of Scion’s major investments with a total valuation hovering around the $9 million mark, reinforced by the acquisition of an additional 50,000 shares.

Burry’s Betting on the Chinese Tech Comeback

Michael Burry, whose claim to fame was his prescient forecast of the United States housing market collapse in 2008, as chronicled in "The Big Short," is revisiting his investment strategy concerning Chinese technology stocks. Having previously divested from these assets in 2023, Burry is returning with renewed interest. The strategic gambles seem to be yielding dividends, thanks to the Chinese authority's decisive actions to mitigate a market freefall and emerging signs of profit growth. Notably,’s shares traded in the US have appreciated by over 16% this year, while Alibaba’s shares have seen an uplift of approximately 4.5%.

Despite Scion’s emboldened moves, Baidu Inc.’s American Depositary Receipts, which represented a new yet smaller position worth $4.2 million in Burry's portfolio, have not fared as well, with a decline of 7% in value this year.

Signs of a Bullish Turnaround in China's Stock Market

The global investment community is tentatively re-engaging with the Chinese stock realm, drawn by enticing valuations and the Chinese government's commitment to bolstering the market. The results are evident - various equity indices in China have surged, entering a bullish phase. Nevertheless, analysts believe that for this resurgence to be sustained, a continuous increase in earnings is paramount. This is exemplified by differing outcomes for top tech giants: Tencent Holdings Ltd. surpassed earnings forecasts, meanwhile, Alibaba unveiled profitability figures that failed to meet expectations.

Find insights on this divergence between Tencent and Alibaba profitability - Read: Tencent Stock Outperformance to Alibaba Grows as Profits Diverge.

Burry's Investment Dance with China’s Tech Sector

Burry has shown a pattern of engagement and disengagement with Chinese tech shares over the years. He first took an interest in the New York-listed entities Alibaba and as China was retreating from the grips of the pandemic. Despite selling off his stakes in the second quarter of 2023, he has once again plunged back into these investments just months later, signaling a bullish outlook on the future of China’s technological vanguard.

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Reasserting Investment Conjectures

The investment pivot by Michael Burry’s firm toward Chinese tech giants and Alibaba elucidates a broader trend among investors who are re-evaluating China's market potential. Despite previous trepidations concerning regulatory crackdowns and an uncertain global economic outlook, the recent revival in stock prices has restored investor confidence. The decision by Scion Asset Management to dramatically increase its stake in – by as much as 80%, making it the firm's most substantial holding – reflects a robust vote of confidence in the e-commerce market’s potential for growth and resilience.

Similarly, the additional procurement of Alibaba shares signifies an optimistic outlook toward the e-commerce and cloud computing behemoth, despite its recent challenges. Alibaba, known for its substantial footprint in online retail and its global reach, represents a key player in China's evolving digital economy. Scion Asset Management's renewed investment in these companies indicates a belief in the Chinese economy's capacity to stabilize and expand post-pandemic, despite ongoing challenges.

Burry’s Investment History and the Cyclical Nature of Markets

Michael Burry's investment actions have long been characterized by a keen eye for market cycles and opportunities. His early detection of the impending crisis in the U.S. housing market, immortalized in "The Big Short," is a testament to his analytical prowess. This same skill set appears to be at work as he navigates the complexities of the Chinese market, which has seen significant volatility in the wake of regulatory measures and trade tensions.

The cyclical nature of markets means that even as Burry exited his positions in the second quarter of 2023, he remained vigilant to signs of renewal and potential for profit in the Chinese tech sector. This led to a strategic re-entry into his previous investments in Alibaba and as conditions began to improve. His responsive investment behavior underscores the importance of timing and adaptability in achieving success in the fluid landscape of global markets.

The Consequences of Policy Actions and Growth Metrics

The role of Chinese policymakers in the stabilization and subsequent uplift of the stock market cannot be overstated. Their efforts to contain the market downturn have been instrumental in the restoration of investor sentiment. Concurrently, signals of progress in earnings across various sectors have been elemental in fostering a rebound. The stock performance of and its increase in value by more than 16% is a reflection of the overall market sentiment and trust in the company's ability to navigate a post-pandemic economic environment.

Nonetheless, the mixed performance in earnings, especially as demonstrated by the disparity between Tencent’s outperformance and Alibaba's weaker-than-expected profitability, highlights the variability and unique challenges facing individual companies within the same industry. It is this nuanced landscape that investors like Burry must traverse, weighing the potential risks against possible rewards as the Chinese market continues to evolve.

Looking Ahead: The Potential for a Sustained Rally in Chinese Stocks

The current trend of global investors cautiously reentering the Chinese stock market invokes memories of the bull markets of the past and speculation of what could lie ahead. The relatively low valuations combined with governmental policy support create an attractive proposition for market entrants. However, the crucial determinant for a prolonged rally will be the demonstration of sustainable earnings growth - a factor that remains uncertain amid fluctuating global market conditions.

Investors are closely monitoring corporate financial health through earnings reports and guidance provided by industry leaders such as Tencent and Alibaba. The varying degrees of financial success between these companies serve as a barometer for the tech sector and, by extension, the greater market trajectory. The coming quarters will likely yield further insights into the robustness of the market recovery and which enterprises will lead the charge.

Final Thoughts

The investment strategy deployed by Michael Burry’s Scion Asset Management echoes a sentiment of vigilance coupled with calculated optimism regarding the future of China's tech sector. By markedly increasing stakes in and Alibaba, the investment firm is placing a significant bet on the recovery and growth of a market that has experienced considerable volatility. Whether these investments will prove prescient, as with Burry's historical ventures, remains a subject of keen interest within the investment community.

As China continues to emerge from the pandemic's shadow and navigate the intricacies of global economic dynamics, the wisdom of such investments will be measured against the backdrop of an ever-changing financial landscape. Observers and investors alike will be watching with interest as the Chinese market carves out its path forward.

With the insights drawn from this latest 13F filing and the ongoing analysis of global market trends, investment patterns in the Chinese tech sector will likely continue to serve as a focal point for discussions on international finance and economics.

For more information on Bloomberg's report, click here.

In conclusion, Michael Burry's Scion Asset Management has reaffirmed its commitment to Chinese technology stocks with strategic increases in holdings of and Alibaba, amidst signs of a market rebound. The investment world keenly awaits the unfolding developments within China's dynamic stock market, recognizing that though the risks are inherent, the opportunities may well be worth the gamble.